Friday 8 April 2016


A parasite is a living organism which takes nourishment and other needs from a host.
A host is an organism which support the parasites.

Ectoparasites: a parasite organism that lives on the outer surface of it’s host.
Endoparasites: a parasite that lives inside a host.
Obligate Parasites:  a parasite that completely depends on a host during a segment or all of it’s life cycle.
Facultative Parasites: an organism that exhibits parasitic and non-parasitic modes of life or a parasite that does not depend solely on a host to live.
Accidental Parasite: when a parasite attacks an unnatural host and survives.
Erratic Parasites: is a parasite that wanders into an organ in which it is not usually found.

Definitive Host: a host that harbors a parasite in the adult stage or a host in which a parasite undergoes sexual reproduction
Intermediate Host: a host that harbors the larval stage of the parasite
Paratenic Host: is a host that serves as a temporal refuge before reaching an obligate host.
Reservoir Host: a host hat makes the parasite available for the transmission to another host and is usually not affected by the infection.
Natural Host: a host that is naturally affected with certain species of parasites.
Accidental Host: a host that is under normal circumstances not infected with the parasite.

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