Monday 14 March 2016


Photosynthesis: the jamming together of CO2 (carbon dioxide) with H2O (water) to make CH2O (sugar) and O2 (oxygen), using the sun's energy. The sugar contains the stored energy and serves as the raw material from which other compounds are made
Photosynthesis is the process used by plants, algae and certain bacteria to harness energy from sunlight into chemical energy


This is for starters in the field of biology especially Entomology which is the study of insects.
Abdomen - The third (hind) body region. It is composed of as many as 11 segments and
lacking legs or wings.
Antenna (pl., antennae) - A segmented organ located on the head, usually used for smell.
Cell - An area in a wing between veins.
Cercus (pl., cerci) - A thread-like or sometimes forceps-like tail near the tip of the abdomen (usually a pair).
Complete metamorphosis - A type of insect development in which the insect passes
through the stages of egg, larva, pupa and adult. The larva usually is different in form
from the adult.
Compound eye - An eye with many individual elements or facets.